Effects of short-term heat stress at booting stage on rice-grain quality
Fengxian Zhen A , Wei Wang A , Haoyu Wang A , Junjie Zhou A , Bing Liu A , Yan Zhu A , Leilei Liu A , Weixing Cao A and Liang Tang
A National Engineering and Technology Center for Information Agriculture, Key Laboratory for Crop System Analysis and Decision Making, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Information Agriculture, Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095, China.
B Corresponding author. Email: tangl@njau.edu.cn
Crop and Pasture Science 70(6) 486-498 https://doi.org/10.1071/CP18260
Submitted: 6 June 2018 Accepted: 14 May 2019 Published: 19 June 2019
Extreme heat-stress events are becoming more frequent under anticipated global warming, which is having devastating effect on grain yield, as well as quality, of rice (Oryza sativa L.). The effects of heat stress at booting stage on grain quality of two japonica varieties, Nanjing41 and Wuyunjing24, were investigated in phytotrons during 2014 and 2015. Rice plants were subjected to four mean temperature regimes 27°C, 31°C, 35°C and 39°C of 2, 4 and 6 days’ duration. The results showed that high temperatures of 35°C and 39°C for 4 and 6 days significantly reduced panicle size, seed-setting rate, grain size, chalky grain rate, milling characteristics and amylose content, but increased protein content. Severe heat stress decreased values of peak viscosity and breakdown, and increased pasting temperature. An increase in heat degree-days decreased the percentage of chalky grains exponentially, and decreased amylose content and increased protein content linearly. Sensitivity of grain quality to heat stress in the two varieties differed among quality traits and with heat stress intensity. This study indicates that rice-grain quality had some resistance to mild heat stress, but it could not withstand severe heat stress at booting. Short-term heat stress at booting stage deteriorates most grain-quality traits, posing a potential risk to rice quality. The impacts on grain quality could be well quantified by the combined effects of the intensity and duration of heat stress at booting stage.
Additional keywords: grain protein, seed quality.
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