Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 29 Number 3 1976
CH9760479The influence of pressure on the infrared spectra of hydrogen bonded solids. II. Bihalide salts
SD Hamann and M Linton
pp. 479-484
CH9760507The determination of the surface area of silica by laser Raman spectroscopy
RP Cooney and NT Tam
pp. 507-513
CH9760515The structure determination of a binuclear copper(II) complex of aTetra-Schiff base macrocycle
BF Hoskins, NJ McLeod and HA Schaap
pp. 515-521
CH9760523Crystal structure of Bis(N,N-diisobutyldithiocarbamato)nickel(II)
CL Raston and AH White
pp. 523-529
CH9760531 New Group IB metal chemistry. VII. Reactions between copper arylacetylides and some iridium(I) and rhodium(I) complexes
OMA Salah and MI Bruce
pp. 531-541
CH9760543Coordination compounds of manganese(II) with Tetrahydro-1,4-thiazin-3-one and Thiazolidine-2-thione
C Preti and G Tosi
pp. 543-549
CH9760551Electron-transfer reactions in non-aqueous media. III. Reduction of CoF(NH3)52+, CoCl(NH3)52+ and CoBr(NH3)52+ by iron(II) in N,N-dimethylformamide
BA Matthews, JV Turner and DW Watts
pp. 551-557
CH9760573Preparation and characterization of the double acetates of zinc, cadmium and mercury(II)
KC Malhotra and DS Katoch
pp. 573-580
CH9760581 Conformations of vinyl formate and vinyl acetate
MJ Aroney, EAW Bruce, IG John, L Radom and GLD Ritchie
pp. 581-587
CH9760589Thermal decomposition of alcohols. III. 1-Methylcyclohexanol
JL Garnett, WD Johnson and JE Sherwood
pp. 589-597
CH9760599Pyrolysis of 1-methylcyclohexene and methylenecyclohexane
JL Garnett, WD Johnson and JE Sherwood
pp. 599-607
CH9760627Synthesis and bromodemercuration of some permercurated arenes
GB Deacon and GJ Farquharson
pp. 627-635
CH9760637Regioselective oxidation of aliphatic acids by complexed hydroxyl radicals
FR Hewgill and GM Proudfoot
pp. 637-647
CH9760649Transannular methanol adducts of a photo-dimer from methyl 2-Methoxy-1-naphthoate
T Teitei and D Wells
pp. 649-654
CH9760655New Triterpenes of Lantana camara. A Comparative Study of the Constituents of Several Taxa
N Hart, J Lamberton, A Sioumis and H Suares
pp. 655-671
CH9760673The glutarimide antibiotic 9-methylstreptimidone: Structure, biogenesis and biological activity
MS Allen, AM Becker and RW Rickards
pp. 673-679
CH9760681The kinetic theory of hot reactions. Reactions of ions and excited species
FCR Cattell
pp. 681-684
CH9760685 Catalysed gas phase decompositions. XXIX. 2,2-Dimethoxypropane and trifluoroacetic acid
VR Stimson and ECTJW Taylor
pp. 685-688
CH9760689Comparative study of methods of computer-matching mass spectra. II
RJ Mathews and JD Morrison
pp. 689-693
CH9760695Some extractives of Melicope octandra (Rutaceae)
AJ Free, RW Read, E Ritchie and WC Taylor
pp. 695-697