Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 27 Number 2 1974
CH9740241Non-additivity of intermolecular forces: effects on the fourth virial coefficient
CHJ Johnson and TH Spurling
pp. 241-247
CH9740249Single-crystal 57Fe Mössbauer studies of the site positions in cordierite
JF Duncun and JH Johnson
pp. 249-258
CH9740269Kinetics of acid-catalysed hydrolysis of the α and β Carbonato(4,7-dimethyltriethylenetetramine) cobalt(III) ions
DJ Francis and GH Searle
pp. 269-277
CH9740279Reaction of a basic chromium(III)-zirconium(IV) sulphate complex with amino acids
MH Davis and JG Scroggie
pp. 279-286
CH9740287Hydrogen bonding in chloroform-thioether systems: An N.M.R. spectroscopic study
KW Jolley, LM Hughes and ID Watson
pp. 287-290
CH9740315The synthesis of a series of regularly annelated 2-methylheterohelicenes
PG Lehman and H Wynberg
pp. 315-322
CH9740323Supposed acetyl migration from the 3β- to the 19-hydroxyl group in Δ5-steroids
DR Baigent and KG Lewis
pp. 323-329
CH9740331Some Constituents of the Resins of Xanthorrhoea preissii, australis and hastile
AJ Birch and CJ Dahl
pp. 331-334
CH9740345 Chemical Studies of the Proteaceae. Vii. An Examination of the Woods of 17 Species for Resorcinol Derivatives
K Cirigottis and LEA Cleaver
pp. 345-355
CH9740357The chemistry of pyrrolic compounds. XXV. The chemistry of acetal and thioacetal derivatives of pyrrolic systems
PS Clezy, CJR Fookes, DYK Lau, AW Nichol and GA Smythe
pp. 357-369
CH9740371The chemistry of pyrrolic compounds. XXVI. Porphyrins with negative groups in opposite pyrrolic ring systems
PS Clezy and CJR Fookes
pp. 371-382
CH9740383Halogenated terpenoids. X. Optically active terpinolene tetrabromides
RM Carman and BN Venzke
pp. 383-392
CH9740393The application of pyrolysis methylation and esterification to the mass spectrometric sequencing of small peptides
GM Schier and B Halpern
pp. 393-397
CH9740401Substituted carbonyl derivatives of the Group VI transition metals. V. Complexes with tolyl-substituted Bis(diphenylarsino)methane ligands
JA Bowden, R Colton and Z Sztajer
pp. 401-405
CH9740407Thermodynamics of metal-ligand bond formation. IX. Trimerization and base addition of Bis(2,6-dimethylheptane-3,5-dionato)nickel(II)
DP Graddon and TT Nyein
pp. 407-411
CH974041375As nuclear quadrupole resonance in some arsenic ring compounds
TJ Bastow and PS Elmes
pp. 413-415
CH9740417 Carbon magnetic resonance studies of some phenyl, furyl and thienyl organometallics. Some comments on carbon-metal scalar coupling
D Doddrell, KG Lewis, CE Mulquiney, W Adcock, W Kitching and M Bullpitt
pp. 417-420
CH9740421Radical nature of the reaction of 4-nitrobenzal chloride with sodium hydroxide
KC Chan, SH Goh, SE Teoh and WH Wong
pp. 421-423
CH9740441Halogenated terpenoids. XI. β-Phellandrene tetrabromide
RM Carman and BN Venzke
pp. 441-447
CH9740449Halogenated terpenoids. XII. The identity of Wallach's tetrabromides C10H14Br4
RM Carman and BN Venzke
pp. 449-451