Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 16 Number 2 1963
CH9630204The Dipole Moment of Tri-isopropanolamine Borate in Benzene
JM Pugh and RH Stokes
pp. 204-210
CH9630211Association in Solutions of Tri-isopropanolamine Borate in Benzene
JM Pugh and RH Stokes
pp. 211-218
CH9630233Alkaloidal Constituents of Crotalaria fulva Roxb., Fulvine and Its N-Oxide
R Schoental
pp. 233-238
CH9630239Alkaloids of Crotalaria crispata F. Muell. ex Benth., The Structures of Crispatine and Fulvine
CCJ Culvenor and LW Smith
pp. 239-245
CH9630250The Volatile Oil of Pseudowintera colorata. IV. Epicyclocolorenone
RE Corbett and H Young
pp. 250-251
CH9630252The Stereochemistry of Tritium Substitution by the Wilzbach Method. I. (–)-Inositol
SJ Angyal, JL Garnett and RM Hoskinson
pp. 252-257
CH9630258 The Formation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Hexoses
CJ Moye and ZS Krzeminski
pp. 258-269
CH9630270Degradation of carbohydrates IV. Formation of cis-unsaturated hexosones
pp. 270-277
CH9630282Substituted benzophenones from Leptospermum luehmannii (F. M. Bailey)
VH Powell and MD Sutherland
pp. 282-284
CH9630289The Formation of the 6,8-Dihydrodipyrido[1,2-c :2',1'-e][1,3,6]oxadiazepidiinium Cation in the Reaction of 2,2'-Bipyridyl with Methylene Sulphate
IC Calder, WHF Sasse and TM Spotswood
pp. 289-291
CH9630292The Chemistry of the Western Australian Rutaceae. III. The Alkaloids of Boronia ternata Endl
AM Duffield and PR Jefferies
pp. 292-294