Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 12 Number 2 1959
CH9590122Some studies in inorganic complexes. IV. Titanium(III) and Titanium(IV)
GJ Sutton
pp. 122-126
CH9590138Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Catalysed by Ruthenium complexes
FP Dwyer, NK King and ME Winfield
pp. 138-146
CH9590147Catalysis of hydrogen peroxide dceomposition by 2-electron oxidation and reduction
NK King and ME Winfield
pp. 147-151
CH9590152A theoretical study of the chemisty of Furan, Phrrole, Benzofuran, Indole, Dibenzofuran, and Carbazole
RD Brown and AW Coller
pp. 152-165
CH9590166The surface properties of Alcohols containing sterically hindered Hydroxyl groups
gE Hibberd and AE Alexander
pp. 166-172
CH9590190Acetylenic acids from fats of Santalaceae and Olacaceae: Seed and root oils of Exocarpus cupressiformis Labill
HH Hatt, ACK Triffett and PC Wailes
pp. 190-195
CH9590205Some quantitative infra-red absorption studies of coals, pyrolysed coals, and their acetyl derivatives
RA Durie and S Sternhell
pp. 205-217
CH9590240Studies of a Quinyl-p-coumarate in the Pineapple Plant (Ananas comosus var. cayenne)
GK Sutherland and WA Gortner
pp. 240-246
CH9590255 1-Methylenepyrrolizidine, the major, alkaloid of Crotalaria anagyroides H.B.K.
CCJ Culvenor and LW Smith
pp. 255-264
CH9590300The use of carbodiimides in the synthesis of polypeptides
JH Bradbury and DC Shaw
pp. 300-303