Australian Journal of Scientific Research
Volume 5 Number 2 1952
CH9520346 Prediction Curves for Counter-Current Separations: Application to Lignin Aldehydes
DE Bland, WE Hillis and EJ Williams
pp. 346-367
CH9520346cCorrigenda - Prediction Curves for Counter-Current Separations: Application to Lignin Aldehydes
DE Bland, WE Hillis and EJ Williams
pp. 346-367
CH9520368Sulphonamides. III. Disulphonyl Derivatives of some N-Heterocyclic Amines
SJ Angyal, WO Morris and WK Warburton
pp. 368-373
CH9520374Sulphonamides. IV. The Reaction of N-Heterocyclic Amines with Sulphonyl Halides
SJ Angyal
pp. 374-378
CH9520379The Chemistry of Eucalypt Kinos. II. Aromadendrin, Kaempferol, and Ellagic Acid
WE Hillis
pp. 379-386
CH9520387Alkaloids of the Australian Rutaceae: Pentaceras australis Hook. F. I. Isolation of the Alkaloids and Identification of Canthin-6-one
HF Haynes, ER Nelson and JR Price
pp. 387-400
CH9520401Alkaloids of the Australian Eutaceae: Evodia xanthoxyloides F. Muell. II. Isolation of the Alkaloids from the Leaves
GK Hughes, KG Neill and E Ritchie
pp. 401-405
CH9520406Alkaloids of the Australian Rutaceae: Evodia xanthoxyloides F. Muell. III. The Structures of the Coloured Alkaloids, Evoxanthidine, Xanthevodine, and Xanthoxoline
JR Cannon, GK Hughes, KG Neill and E Ritchie
pp. 406-411
CH9520412The Chemical Constituents of Australian Flindersia Species. III. The Alkaloids of Flindersia collina Bail
FAL Anet, PT Gilham, P Gow, GK Hughes and E Ritchie
pp. 412-419
CH9520420The Chemical Constituents of Australian Flindersia Species. IV. The Constituents of Flindersia bourjotiana F. Muell
JR Cannon, GK Hughes and E Ritchie
pp. 420-422