The Wonderful World of Poo: The Turdome and Beyond
Edouard C. Nice AA Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Clayton, Vic. 3800, Australia. Email:
![]() Ed Nice is currently an Adjunct Professor at Monash University where he is Head of Clinical Biomarker Discovery and Validation (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and a scientific advisor to the Monash Antibody Technologies Facility (MATF), for which he was director from 2009 to 2013. He also holds a Visiting Professorship at Sichuan University/West China Hospital and an adjunct position at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. His long-term research interests have been in protein and peptide micropurification, biomarker discovery and validation, SPR analysis, high throughput monoclonal antibody production and validation, and clinical biomarker assay development, with a strong translational focus on colorectal cancer, especially the development of faecal proteomics for colorectal cancer detection and surveillance. He is a founder member and past chair of the Australian Peptide Association, a founder member of the Protein and Peptide Society of Singapore and was awarded the 2012 Xiaoyu Hu Memorial Award by the Chinese Peptide Society in recognition of his significant achievements in peptide science. He has an active involvement in the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO), having been co-chair and treasurer of the successful HUPO 2010 meeting in Sydney, and is currently co-chair of the Pathology Pillar and the Human Cancer Proteome Project and leader of the HUPO ANZ Chromosome 7 initiative. |
Australian Journal of Chemistry 73(4) 257-263
Submitted: 19 May 2019 Accepted: 1 August 2019 Published: 2 December 2019
Journal Compilation © CSIRO 2020 Open Access CC BY-NC-ND
Defecate: it is something we all do, it is something we joke about, yet for many in real life it is a subject that is taboo. However, it is now being realised that faeces are a veritable scientific goldmine, have many potential uses, and may even save your life! In this article I will review the history behind the use of faecal material and look at some of its emerging playing fields, in particular its role in medical diagnosis. I will discuss faecal proteomics and other omics technologies (Proteogenomics: The Omics Pipeline), including studies on the microbiome, in order to understand, diagnose, and treat gastrointestinal tract pathologies and other diseases, and show how these technologies will play a role in the move towards personalized medicine.
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