Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 57 Number 3 2009
BT07079Multi-decadal increases in shrub abundance in non-riverine red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) woodlands occur during a period of complex land-use history
Jodi N. Price and John W. Morgan
pp. 163-170
BT08148Clonality and hybrid origin of the rare Eucalyptus bennettiae (Myrtaceae) in Western Australia
E. Walker, M. Byrne, B. Macdonald, D. Nicolle and J. McComb
pp. 180-188
BT08133Vascular plant distribution in relation to topography, soils and micro-climate at five GLORIA sites in the Snowy Mountains, Australia
C. M. Pickering and K. Green
pp. 189-199
BT09072Planting conditions improve translocation success of the endangered terrestrial orchid Diuris fragrantissima (Orchidaceae)
Zoë F. Smith, Elizabeth A. James, Mark J. McDonnell and Cassandra B. McLean
pp. 200-209
BT08202Patterns in vascular plant species density in tall alpine herbfield along an increasing altitudinal gradient in an Australian alpine region
Catherine M. Pickering and Sarah Butler
pp. 210-220
BT08225The development and characteristics of periderm and rhytidome in Eucalyptus marginata
E. O'Gara, K. Howard, I. J. Colquhoun, B. Dell, J. McComb and G. St. E. J. Hardy
pp. 221-228
BT08139Internal secretory spaces in thickened underground systems of Asteraceae species
Graziela Cury and Beatriz Appezzato-da-Glória
pp. 229-239
BT08187Perfusion culture of Glycyrrhiza inflata suspension cells in a stir-tank bioreactor
Guirong Wang and Nian Min Qi
pp. 240-246