Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 50 Number 1 2002
Celebrating 50 Years of Publication
BT01038 Effect of shadecloth tree shelters on cold-induced photoinhibition, foliar anthocyanin and growth of Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens seedlings during establishment
Dugald C. Close, Chris L. Beadle, Greg K. Holz and Philip H. Brown
pp. 15-20
BT01021Bioclimatic assessment of the geographic and climatic limits to hybridisation in a sexually deceptive orchid system
Rod Peakall, Lauren Jones, Colin C. Bower and Brendan G. Mackey
pp. 21-30
BT01054Root biomass and root fractal analyses of an open Eucalyptus forest in a savanna of north Australia
D. Eamus, X. Chen, G. Kelley and L. B. Hutley
pp. 31-41
BT01049Seasonal patterns of soil carbon dioxide efflux from a wet-dry tropical savanna of northern Australia
Xiaoyong Chen, Derek Eamus and Lindsay B. Hutley
pp. 43-52
BT01055Post-fire response of shrubs in the tablelands of eastern Australia: do existing models explain habitat differences?
Peter J. Clarke and Kirsten J. E. Knox
pp. 53-62
BT01041Morphometric, genetic and ecological studies clarify the conservation status of a rare Acacia in Western Australia
Carole P. Elliott, Colin J. Yates, Phillip G. Ladd and David J. Coates
pp. 63-74
BT01012Biomass allocation to vegetative and reproductive organs in Lotus glaber and L. corniculatus (Fabaceae)
O. R. Vignolio, O. N. Fernández and N. O. Maceira
pp. 75-82
BT01040Distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi in the northern jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata ) forest of Western Australia in relation to dieback age and topography
K. L. McDougall, G. E. St J. Hardy and R. J. Hobbs
pp. 107-114
BT00089Morphological, evolutionary and taxonomic aspects of Australian and New Zealand Microseris (Asteraceae)
Kitty Vijverberg, Louis Lie and Konrad Bachmann
pp. 127-143
BT00081Succession after fire in alpine vegetation on Mount Wellington, Tasmania
J. B. Kirkpatrick, K. L. Bridle and A. S. Wild
pp. 145-154