Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 56 Number 7 2008
BT08079The use of pre-dawn leaf water potential and MODIS LAI to explore seasonal trends in the phenology of Australian and southern African woodlands and savannas
Anthony R. Palmer, Sigfredo Fuentes, Daniel Taylor, Cate Macinnis-Ng, Melanie Zeppel, Isa Yunusa, Edmund February and Derek Eamus
pp. 557-563
BT06186Effects of environmental conditions on the production of hypocotyl hairs in seedlings of Melaleuca ericifolia (swamp paperbark)
Randall W. Robinson, Paul I. Boon, Nina Sawtell, Elizabeth A. James and Robert Cross
pp. 564-573
BT08155Adaptations to winter-wet ironstone soils: a comparison between rare ironstone Hakea (Proteaceae) species and their common congeners
Pieter Poot, Roy Bakker and Hans Lambers
pp. 574-582
BT08022Role of mucilage in germination of Dillenia indica (Dilleniaceae) seeds
Ramesh C. Thapliyal, Shyam S. Phartyal, Jerry M. Baskin and Carol C. Baskin
pp. 583-589
BT08046Condition of fenced and unfenced remnant vegetation in inland catchments in south-eastern Australia
Sue V. Briggs, Nicola M. Taws, Julian A. Seddon and Bindi Vanzella
pp. 590-599
BT08043Salsola tragus or S. australis (Chenopodiaceae) in Australia—untangling taxonomic confusion through molecular and cytological analyses
Catherine P. D. Borger, Guijun Yan, John K. Scott, Michael J. Walsh and Stephen B. Powles
pp. 600-608
BT08008Simultaneous encapsulation of seed and mycorrhizal fungi for long-term storage and propagation of terrestrial orchids
Karen D. Sommerville, John P. Siemon, Chris B. Wood and Catherine A. Offord
pp. 609-615