Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 49 Number 2 2001
BT00017Floral biology of dry rainforest in north Queensland and a comparison with adjacent savanna woodland
Dinah J. Hansman
pp. 137-153
BT99026Size-specific biomass allocation and water content of above- and below-ground components of three Eucalyptus species in a northern Australian savanna
Patricia A. Werner and Peter G. Murphy
pp. 155-167
BT00015The impact of soil disturbance on root development in woodland communities in Western Australia
Deanna P. Rokich, Kathy A. Meney, Kingsley W. Dixon and K. Sivasithamparam
pp. 169-183
BT00020Germination of dimorphic seeds of Suaeda moquinii under high salinity stress
M. Ajmal Khan, Bilquees Gul and Darrell J. Weber
pp. 185-192
BT99028Additions to the host range of Phytophthora cinnamomi in the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata ) forest of Western Australia
K. L. McDougall, G. E. St J. Hardy and R. J. Hobbs
pp. 193-198
BT99054Floral morphology and embryology of two Australian species of Citrus (Rutaceae)
Kerri Clarke and Nallamilli Prakash
pp. 199-207
BT00065Development of disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi in mature Xanthorrhoea australis
M. J. Aberton, B. A. Wilson, J. Hill and D. M. Cahill
pp. 209-219
BT00057The family Convolvulaceae in the Tertiary of Australia: evidence from pollen
Helene A. Martin
pp. 221-234
BT00049An in situ , Late Pleistocene Melaleuca fossil forest at Coal Head, western Tasmania, Australia
Marcus V. Rowell, Gregory J. Jordan and Richard W. Barnes
pp. 235-244
BT00033Rate and timing of vegetative growth, flowering and fruit development of Persoonia virgata (Proteaceae)
L. M. Bauer, M. E. Johnston and R. R. Williams
pp. 245-251
BT99044Leaf morphological and anatomical characteristics of heteroblastic Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus (Myrtaceae)
Shelley A. James and David T. Bell
pp. 259-269