Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 55 Number 5 2007
BT06203Microsatellite and cpDNA variation in island and mainland populations of a regionally rare eucalypt, Eucalyptus perriniana (Myrtaceae)
Damien A. Rathbone, Gay E. McKinnon, Brad M. Potts, Dorothy A. Steane and René E. Vaillancourt
pp. 513-520
BT06135Relating pine-litter intrusion to plant-community structure in native eucalypt woodland adjacent to Pinus radiata (Pinaceae) plantations
Andrew C. Baker, Brad R. Murray and Grant C. Hose
pp. 521-532
BT06100The extent of dryland salinity in remnant woodland and forest within an agricultural landscape
Julian A. Seddon, Andre Zerger, Stuart J. Doyle and Sue V. Briggs
pp. 533-540
BT06144Vitrification-based shoot tip cryopreservation of Carica papaya and a wild relative Vasconcellea pubescens
Sarah E. Ashmore, Roderick A. Drew and Mahmoud Azimi
pp. 541-547
BT06168Extent of clonality, genetic diversity and decline in the endangered mallee Eucalyptus imlayensis
Elizabeth A. James and Keith L. McDougall
pp. 548-553
BT06037Reflectance and phenolics of green and glaucous leaves of Eucalyptus urnigera
D. C. Close, N. J. Davidson, C. B. Shields and R. Wiltshire
pp. 561-567
BT06105Geographic variation in extrafloral nectaries in the ant-associated plant genus Adriana (Euphorbiaceae) and its relationship to water availability
M. A. Whalen and D. A. Mackay
pp. 568-575
BT06083Does the addition of litter from N-fixing Acacia mearnsii accelerate leaf decomposition of Eucalyptus globulus?
W. Xiang and J. Bauhus
pp. 576-583