Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 48 Number 6 2000
BT99077Germination and dormancy of grassy woodland and forest species: effects of smoke, heat, darkness and cold
Peter J. Clarke, Elizabeth A. Davison and Lindsay Fulloon
pp. 687-699
BT99066Allometric relationships and community biomass estimates for some dominant eucalypts in Central Queensland woodlands
W. H. Burrows, M. B. Hoffmann, J. F. Compton, P. V. Back and L. J. Tait
pp. 707-714
BT99062Generic relationships within and between the gymnosperm families Podocarpaceae and Phyllocladaceae based on an analysis of the chloroplast gene rbc L
John G. Conran, Glenys M. Wood, Peter G. Martin, Julie M. Dowd, Christopher J. Quinn, Paul A. Gadek and Robert A. Price
pp. 715-724
BT00007Phosphite and mycorrhizal formation in seedlings of three Australian Myrtaceae
Kay Howard, Bernie Dell and Giles E. Hardy
pp. 725-729
BT99060An analysis of mating structure in populations of the annual sea rocket, Cakile maritima (Brassicaceae)
Peter H. Thrall, Andrew G. Young and Jeremy J. Burdon
pp. 731-738
BT99070Cryopreservation of Anigozanthos viridis ssp. viridis and related taxa from the south-west of Western Australia
S. R. Turner, D. H. Touchell, K. W. Dixon and B. Tan
pp. 739-744
BT99069Alleviation of salinity and dark-enforced dormancy in Allenrolfea occidentalis seeds under various thermoperiods
Bilquees Gul, M. Ajmal Khan and Darrell J. Weber
pp. 745-752
BT99032Hybrid origin of Athrotaxis laxifolia (Taxodiaceae) confirmed by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis
Keiya Isoda, Tim Brodribb and Susumu Shiraishi
pp. 753-758
BT99073 Eucalypts forming a canopy functional type in dry sclerophyll forests respond differentially to environment
Jay E. Anderson, Paul E. Kriedemann, Michael P. Austin and Graham D. Farquhar
pp. 759-775
BT99078Responses of native woody taxa in Banksia woodland to incursion of groundwater and nutrients from bordering agricultural land
Alasdair M. Grigg, John S. Pate and Murray J. Unkovich
pp. 777-792