Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 38 Number 2 1990
BT9900121Stackhousia tryonii Bailey: a Nickel-Accumulating Serpentine-Endemic Species of Central Queensland.
GN Batianoff, RD Reeves and RL Specht
pp. 121-130
BT9900153Sex-Ratios and Related Characteristics in Spinifex sericeus (Poaceae)
KM Maze and RDB Whalley
pp. 153-160
BT9900169Factors That Influence the Yield and Viability of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) Cotyledon Protoplasts
AS Kantharajah and WA Dodd
pp. 169-175
BT9900177 The Effect of Auxins and Antiauxins on Shoot-Bud Induction and Morphology in the Moss, Bryum atrovirens Will ex Brid
RN Chopra and BD Vashistha
pp. 177-184
BT9900217The Breeding Systems of Stylidium graminifolium and Stylidium productum (Stylidiaceae)
AJ Willis and JE Ash
pp. 217-227