Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 34 Number 1 1986
BT9860015 The Ecology of the Mallee Outlier of Eucalyptus behriana F. Muell. Near Melton, Victoria
BA Myers, DH Ashton and JA Osborne
pp. 15-39
BT9860041Zinc Nutrition of Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Smith) Seedlings
IM Wallace, B Dell and JF Loneragan
pp. 41-51
BT9860053Leaf Venation in Eucalyptus and Other Genera of Myrtaceae: Implications for Systems of Classification of Venation
DJ Carr, SGM Carr and JR Lenz
pp. 53-62
BT9860073Establishment, Suppression and Growth of Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T. Baker In Multiaged Forests .II. Sapling Growth and Its Environmental Correlates
DMJS Bowman and JB Kirkpatrick
pp. 73-80
BT9860095Synthesis in Growth Pouches of Mycorrhizae Between Eucalyptus pilularis and Several Strains of Pisolithus tinctorius
DJ Grenville, Rl Peterson and AE Ashford
pp. 95-102