Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 32 Number 5 1984
BT9840449 Water Relations of Coral Cay Vegetation on the Great Barrier Reef: Water Potentials and Osmotic Content
WG Allaway, MG Pitman, R Storey, S Tyerman and AE Ashford
pp. 449-464
BT9840465Occurrence of the Suberized Lamella in Leaves of Grasses of Different Photosynthetic Type. II. In Herbarium Material
PW Hattersley and S Perry
pp. 465-473
BT9840475 Seed Generation of Eucalyptus pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng. From Low and High Altitude Populations in Victoria
D Beardsell and J Mullet
pp. 475-480
BT9840481Post-Fire Regeneration of Rainforest and Mixed Forest in Western Tasmania
RS Hill and J Read
pp. 481-493
BT9840495 Seasonal Changes in the Water Relations of Eucalyptus behriana F. Muell. And E. microcarpa (Maiden) Maiden in the Field
BA Myers and TF Neales
pp. 495-510
BT9840511Formation of Mycorrhizae by Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Smith) in Litter and Soil
P Reddell and N Malajczuk
pp. 511-520
BT9840521 Effect of Root Temperature on the Development of Phytophthora cinnamomi Root Rot in Eucalyptus Seedlings
DM Halsall and JD Williams
pp. 521-528
BT9840529A Proposal for the Classification of Tree-Dominated Vegetation in Australia
RD Johnston and CJ Lacey
pp. 529-549