Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 30 Number 6 1982
BT9820591Effect of spring wild fires on Iseilema (Flinders grass) populations in the Mitchell grass region of north-western Queensland
JC Scanlan and PK O'Rourke
pp. 591-600
BT9820611Establishment of small-seeded perennial grasses on black clay soils in north-western New South Wales.
LA Watt and RDB Whalley
pp. 611-623
BT9820625Natural hybridization between Amyema pendulum and Amyema quandang, Loranthaceae.
DM Calder, FG Lennox and P Bernhardt
pp. 625-633
BT9820659Floristics and Fire Regimes of a Vegetation Sequence From Sedgeland-Heath to Rainforest at Bathurst Harbour, Tasmania
MJ Brown and FD Podger
pp. 659-676
BT9820677The Genesis of Form in Oleander (Nerium oleander L.)
RF Williams, RA Metcalf and LW Gust
pp. 677-687