Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 17 Number 1 1969
BT9690013Fine structure of the walls of the conidia of various fungi and of the conidiophore of Fomes annosus
G Scurfield and Costa EWB Da
pp. 13-24
BT9690025Studies of Cintractia axicola. I. Development of the sorus
IC Tommerup and RFN Langdon
pp. 25-29
BT9690059The influence of pH and nitrate on Mycorrhizal associations of Pinus radiata D. Don
C Theodorou and GD Bowen
pp. 59-67
BT9690069Floral morphology, embryology, and relationships of the Berberidaceae.
RLN Sastri
pp. 69-79
BT9690081Stomatal ontogeny of the vegetative and floral organs of some Papilionaceae
GL Shah and BV Gopal
pp. 81-87
BT9690089Epidermal structure and ontogeny of stomata in vegetative and floral organs of Hibiscus rosasinensis L
JA Inamdar and AJ Chohan
pp. 89-95
BT9690107Some aspects of the life history of Callistemon citrinus (Curt.) Skeels
N Prakash
pp. 107-117
BT9690119A further numerical contribution to the classification of the Poaceae
HT Clifford, WT Williams and GN Lance
pp. 119-131
BT9690133The characterization of populations of Eucalyptus camaldulensis by chemical features
JCG Banks and WE Hillis
pp. 133-146