Australian Journal of Botany
Volume 10 Number 2 1962
BT9620093The nature of reaction wood. VI. The reaction anatomy of seedlings of woody perennials.
G Scurfield and AB Wardrop
pp. 93-105
BT9620106Are mesic communities less drought-resistant? A study on moisture relationships in dry sclerophyll forest at Inglewood, South Australia
HA Martin and RL Specht
pp. 106-118
BT9620119 An investigation of the effect of the dehydroangustione present in the leaf litter of Backhousia angustifolia on the germination of Araucaria cunninghamii – An experimental approach to a problem in rain-forest ecology
JR Cannon, NH Corbett, KP Haydock, JG Tracey and LJ Webb
pp. 119-128
BT9620129 The status and significance of the hybrid Eucalyptus marginata Sm. × E. megacarpa F.Muell
LD Pryor and LAS Johnson
pp. 129-133