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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

Disparate Style Lengths Contribute to Isolation of Species in Rhododendron

EG Williams and JL Rouse

Australian Journal of Botany 36(2) 183 - 191
Published: 1988


For a group of closely related Rhododendron species in section Vireya, it is shown that success of interspecific pollinations is significantly dependent on male/female style length ratio (SLR), and apparently independent of whether both species belong to the same taxonomic subsection. Crosses with SLR < 0.2 or SLR > 6 were unsuccessful, with the probability of success increasing as SLR approached 1.0. When SLR was < 0.2 pollen tubes of the shorter-styled species were unable to reach the ovary. When SLR was > 5-6, pollen tubes of the longer-styled species penetrated deeply into the ovary but were rarely observed to enter ovules. Disparate style lengths are therefore a major incongruity factor among Vireya rhododendrons, and may contribute to species isolation.

© CSIRO 1988

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