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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

Embryological studies in the compositae. IV. Sporogenesis, gametogenesis, and embryogeny in Brachycome ciliaris (Labill.) Less

GL Davis

Australian Journal of Botany 12(2) 142 - 151
Published: 1964


Material of two varieties of Brachycome ciliaris was obtained from several localities in southern Queensland and western New South Wales, and no embryological differences were found between populations in spite of considerable morphological variations.

The plant was highly male-sterile, and although development of the anthers was normal up to the formation of microspore mother cells, presumed meiotic abnormalities resulted in failure to form microspore tetrads except in one instance. The formation of plasmodial microspore mother cells and unreduced pollen grains is described and the occurrence of normal pollen grains in two capitula is recorded.

In the ovule, meiosis is suppressed and the megaspore mother cell becomes vacuolate and functions directly as the uninucleate embryo sac. Three nuclear divisions precede the formation of an eight-nucleate embryo sac in which the antipodal cells undergo secondary multiplication. There is circumstantial evidence that the polar nuclei divide simultaneously to form the fist four endosperm nuclei and do not first fuse to form a secondary nucleus.

The egg cell develops parthenogenetically and cleavages follow the asterad type of development. The eariy stages of embryogeny are completed before the opening of the florets.

© CSIRO 1964

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