Fungi associated with seeds of the invasive grass Nassella trichotoma (serrated tussock) in its native range as prospective biological control agents
Bárbara Angeletti A , Freda E. Anderson A and Alejandro Loydi
The South American grass Nassella trichotoma (serrated tussock) is widely distributed in central Argentina and one of the most damaging invasive species in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. In Australia, it is a weed of national significance.
Our aim was to characterise the fungi able to colonise N. trichotoma seeds buried at a site in south-western Buenos Aires province, Argentina, and measure their impact on seed survival and germination.
We tested the germination of healthy seeds at the beginning of the experiment (control). We buried 10 mesh bags containing 100 disinfected N. trichotoma seeds each, during 3 months in spring and autumn. At the end of each experiment, the contents of five of the bags were counted and classified as germinated, healthy, damaged, or disintegrated. Germination tests were then conducted with seeds of the latter three categories. The remaining seeds were used for recording fungal signs/symptoms, and the isolation of fungi.
We identified and described a diverse group of fungi associated with the seeds and a seasonal variation in the specific composition. Seeds showing fungal signs and/or symptoms germinated less than the control.
This is the first study on fungi associated with seeds of this species in the native range, which can affect their survival and longevity.
It is expected that studies on the seed microbiome may help us understand the differences in behaviour of the plant between ranges, and test the enemy-release hypothesis.
Keywords: invasive plant, Nassella trichotoma, pathogens, saprophytes, seedbank, soil-born fungi, soil fungi, weed.
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