Pollination by multiple species of nectar foraging Hymenoptera in Prasophyllum innubum, a critically endangered orchid of the Australian Alps
Tobias Hayashi A B C # , Bronwyn M. Ayre

Australia has numerous threatened species of terrestrial orchid, with a particularly high incidence of rarity in the genus Prasophyllum R.Br. Although there has been research on mycorrhizal associations and propagation, little is known about the reproductive ecology of threatened Prasophyllum. Understanding which animals are responsible for pollination and the impact of herbivores on reproduction may inform conservation actions.
For the nationally Critically Endangered Prasophyllum innubum, we aimed to determine the pollinator species, test for self-pollination, quantify levels of reproductive success and herbivory, and identify herbivores.
Pollinator observations were undertaken at wild populations of P. innubum, whereas an experiment testing for self-pollination was undertaken in shadehouse conditions. We quantified reproductive success and herbivory at two populations and attempted to identify herbivores using game cameras.
Pollination occurred via three species of bee and a sphecid wasp, all of which attempted feeding on floral nectar. Fruit set averaged 72–84% at wild sites, whereas only 6% of flowers set fruit via self-pollination when insects were excluded. Just 4% of inflorescences were completely consumed by herbivores, and no herbivory was captured on camera.
P. innubum has a generalist rewarding pollination system that confers high levels of reproductive success, with herbivory having little impact on reproduction.
Pollinator availability is unlikely to restrict conservation translocation site selection of P. innubum because of a generalist pollination system. If herbivores are a threat for this species, it is likely to be through alteration of habitat rather than direct grazing.
Keywords: Australia, conservation, Halictidae, Hymenoptera, Lasioglossum, orchid, pollination, Prasophyllum, reproduction, Specidae.
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