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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

Reintroduction of rare and endangered plants: common factors, questions and approaches

Edward O. Guerrant Jr A C and Thomas N. Kaye B
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A Berry Botanic Garden, 11505 SW Summerville Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97219, USA.

B Institute for Applied Ecology, 563 SW Jefferson Avenue, Corvallis, Oregon 97333, and Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, USA.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Botany 55(3) 362-370
Submitted: 20 February 2006  Accepted: 9 October 2006   Published: 18 May 2007


The science of reintroduction for conservation purposes is young, and there is still much to learn about the practice. As a means to achieving biological goals of successfully establishing new populations to enhance a species survival prospects, and project goals, such as learning how to go about establishing new populations, reintroduction projects are best done as well designed scientific experiments that test explicit hypotheses. Focusing on a range of factors common to any reintroduction, we review several empirical reintroduction projects with respect to hypotheses tested, experimental materials and methods employed, and evaluate their success in both biological and project terms.


We are grateful to the many colleagues who have assisted us in our work, some for many years. In particular EOG thanks Andrea Raven and the many interns and volunteers of the Berry Botanic Garden, and Bruce Rittenhouse and Nancy Brian of the Salem District, and Russ Holmes and Susan Carter of the Roseburg District, USDI Bureau of Land Management. TNK gratefully acknowledges Beth Lawrence, Jen Cramer, Angela Brandt, and other staff of the Institute for Applied Ecology, as well as Nancy Sawtelle and Sally Villegas of the Eugene District, USDI Bureau of Land Management. We also thank three anonymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions. We also gratefully acknowledge many years of funding and other logistical support by the USDI Bureau of Land Management and USDA Forest Service, which made many of these projects possible. Finally, Dr David Coates, and the other organisers of the symposium in which a version of this paper was delivered by EOG, have our thanks, as does the Department of Conservation and Land Management for financial and other support that made our participation possible.


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