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Australian Journal of Botany Supplementary Series Australian Journal of Botany Supplementary Series Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

A Revision of Australian Chlorideae (Gramineae)

M Lazarides

Australian Journal of Botany Supplementary Series 2(5) 1 - 51
Published: 1972


Austrochloris, based on Chloris dichanthioides Everist, is described as a new, monotypic genus. Chloris pilosa Schumach. and C. cynodontoides Bal., reduced here to varietal rank under C. divaricata R. Br., are recorded from Australia for the first time. Owing to misapplication C. ruderalis Dom. becomes a synonym of C. pumilio R. Br. s. str., and C. pumilio auct. non R. Br. is described as a new species, C. lobata. C. pumilio is known now to extend outside Australia, and C. ventricosa R. Br. to South Australia. Enteropogon is believed to be more highly developed in Australia than previously suggested. One species (E. minu tus) and one variety (E. unispiceus var. paucispiceus) are described as new, and two species (E. acicularis and E. dolichostachyus) are transferred from Chloris. The last species is recorded from Australia, Timor, and Papua for the first time. Brachyachne ambigua Ohwi, hitherto recorded only from the type locality (Java), occurs also in Australia and Papua. Cynodon arcuatus C. B. Presl is now known from Papua New Guinea. Lectotypes aIe designated for Chloris pectinata Benth., C. pectinata VaI. fallax Dom., and C. ventricosa R. Br. var. tenuis Benth.

© CSIRO 1972

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