Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 39 Number 2 1986
RG Mann, WK Fisher, AT Gilbert and EOP Thompson
pp. 109-116
BI9860117Solubilization of Native Actin Monomers from Human Erythrocyte Membranes
Leann Tilley, Margaret Dwyer and GB Ralston
pp. 117-124
BI9860125Pigmented Spots in the WoolBearing Skin of White Merino Sheep Induced by Ultraviolet Light
JW Forrest and MR Fleet
pp. 125-136
BI9860137Effects of the Sheep-Chewing Louse (Damalinia ovis) on the Epidermis of the Australian Merino
AG Britt, CL Cotton, IH Pitman and AN Sinclair
pp. 137-144
BI9860145Fluctuating Asymmetry: A Technique for Measuring Developmental Stress Caused by Inbreeding
GM Clarke, GW Brand and MJ Whitten
pp. 145-154
BI9860155Effect of Selection on Oviposition Site Preference in Drosophila melanogaster
Gladys Ruiz Dubreuil and Eduardo deI Solar
pp. 155-160
BI9860171Changes in Prolactin in Peripheral Plasma during Lactation in the Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula
LA Hinds and PA Janssens
pp. 171-178
BI9860187Antifertility Activity and Toxicity of a-Chlorohydrin Aromatic Ketal Analogues in Male Rats
PDC Brown-Woodman, IG White and DD Ridleye
pp. 187-192