Solubilization of Native Actin Monomers from Human Erythrocyte Membranes
Leann Tilley, Margaret Dwyer and GB Ralston
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
39(2) 117 - 124
Published: 1986
Up to 50% of the actin in erythrocyte membranes can be solubilized at low ionic strength in a form capable of inhibiting DNAse I, in the presence of 0·4 mM ATP and 0·05 mM calcium. In the absence of calcium and A TP, actin is released but is apparently rapidly denatured. Solubilization of G-actin increases with temperature up to 37°C. At higher temperatures, actin is released rapidly but quickly loses its ability to inhibit DNAse 1.
© CSIRO 1986