Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 37 Numbers 1 & 2 1984
BI9840001Changes in Milk Carbohydrates and Electrolytes during Early Lactation in the Tammar Wallaby, Macropus eugenii
M Messer, M Griffiths and B Green
pp. 1-6
BI9840017Monoclonal Antibody Studies of a-Keratin Low-Sulfur Proteins
Dean R Hewish, Christine P Robinson and Lindsay G Sparrow
pp. 17-24
BI9840025Immunohistochemical Demonstration of Somatostatin in the Pancreas of Fetal and Adult Sheep
S Reddy, JR Oliver and RB Elliott
pp. 25-30
BI9840031Sensitivity to Oxygen of Nitrogenase Activity in Rhizobium Strain ANU289 of the Non-legume Parasponia (Ulmaceae)
S S Mohapatra and PM GresshoffA
pp. 31-36
BI9840063Isolation of Choriomammotropin from the Ovine Placentome
CM Leach Harper, V L Ford and GD Thorburn
pp. 63-70
BI9840071Season and Photoperiod Effects on Follicles and Atresia in the Sheep Ovary
LP Cahill, CM Oldham, Y Cognie, JP Ravault and P Mauleon
pp. 71-78