Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 34 Number 1 1981
BI9810005Myoglobins of Cartilaginous Fishes III. Amino Acid Sequence of Myoglobin of the Shark Galeorhinus Australis
WK Fisher, DD Koureas and EOP Thompson
pp. 5-10
BI9810011Abnormal Wool Growth and Alopecia of Artificially Reared Lambs
RE Chapman and JL Black
pp. 11-26
BI9810027Arteriovenous Anastomoses in the Dermal Vasculatureof the Skin of Bos taurus Cattle, and their Relationship with Resistance to the Tick, Boophilus micro plus
AV Schleger, DT Lincoln and AS Bourne
pp. 27-36
BI9810037Cutaneous Hyperaemia Elicited by Larvae of the Cattle Tick, Boophilus Micro Plus
JRS Hales, AV Schleger, DH Kemp and AA Fawcett
pp. 37-46
BI9810061Abnormal Function of the Corpus Luteum in some Ewes with Phyto-Oestrogenic Infertility
NR Adams, H Hearnshaw and CM Oldham
pp. 61-66
BI9810067Changes in the Concentration of Gonadotrophic and Steroidal Hormones in the Antral Fluid of Ovarian Follicles Throughout the Oestrous Cycle of the Sheep
KP McNatty, M Gibb, C Dobson, DC Thurley and JK Findlay
pp. 67-80
BI9810081Multiline Varieties and Disease Control. III Combined Use of Overlapping and Disjoint Gene Sets
DR Marshall and JJ Burdon
pp. 81-96
BI9810097A Highly Repeated DNA From the Genome of the Wallaroo (Macro pus Robustus Robustus)
L Venolia and WJ Peacock
pp. 97-114
BI9810115Extractives of Fungi. VI Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Investigations of the Lipids of Trametes Lilacino-Gilva (Berk.) Lloyd
RK Christopher, AM Duffield, J Ralph and J JH Simes
pp. 115-124
BI9810125Use of Cibracon Blue-Sepharose 6B to Detect Modifications of the Non-allosteric 6-Phosphofructokinase from Escherichia Coli K-12
Ken N Ewings and Horst W Doelle
pp. 125-132