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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Abnormal Function of the Corpus Luteum in some Ewes with Phyto-Oestrogenic Infertility

NR Adams, H Hearnshaw and CM Oldham

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 34(1) 61 - 66
Published: 1981


Ewes with permanent phyto-oestrogenic infertility show oestrus less regularly than normal ewes, and the present study examines the extent to which this results from abnormal ovarian function. Forty-nine affected ewes and 53 controls were run with rams fitted with marking crayons and harnesses, and crayon marks were recorded and laparoscopy performed at weekly intervals for 3 weeks. Fewer affected ewes showed oestrus accompanied by ovulation (28 v. 48, P < 0·001), and four of these affected ewes had a second ovulation during the experiment. More of the ovulations observed in affected ewes were unaccompanied by behavioural oestrus than in controls (8 out of 38 v. 2 out of 50; P < 0·05). Six affected ewes had no corpus luteum or oestrus, and five of these had adhesions over the genitalia. Hydrops uteri in five other affected ewes was accompanied by prolonged maintenance of the corpus luteum. Some other abnormalities were also observed.

© CSIRO 1981

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