Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 33 Number 6 1980
AH Reisner, VM Colless and CA Bucholtz
pp. 623-632
BI9800633A New Insulin Derivative for the Preparation of Insulin-Enzyme Conjugates: An Application in the Enzyme Immunoassay of Insulin
John GR Hurrell, PauI M Malouf and Richard Conway
pp. 633-642
BI9800643Multiple Haemoglobins of the Bivalve Mollusc Anadara Trapezia
PF Como and EOP Thompson
pp. 643-652
BI9800653Amino Acid Sequence of the a-Chain of the Tetrameric Haemoglobin of the Bivalve Mollusc Anadara Trapezia
PF Como and EOP Thompson
pp. 653-664
BI9800665Amino Acid Sequence Studies on Sheep Liver Fructose-Bisphosphatase. I. The S-Peptide
WK Fisher and EOP Thompson
pp. 665-674
BI9800675Early Follicular Development and Atretic Changes in the Ovary of the Lamb? Fine Structure and Histochemistry
Robin Tassell and JP Kennedy
pp. 675-688
BI9800709Critical Time Period for the Vagino-cervical Stimulus to Induce Pseudopregnancy in the Dioestrous Rat
MJ Soares and WA Chamley
pp. 709-712
BI9800725Field Studies on Insecticide Resistance in the Australian Sheep Blowfly, Lucilia Cuprina
MJ Whitten, JM Dearn and JA McKenzie
pp. 725-736
BI9800737Identification of some Neutral Lipids of Thiobacillus Thioparus Using Gas Chromatography-Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
RK Christopher, AM Duffield and BJ Ralph
pp. 737-742