Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 29 Numbers 1 & 2 1976
BI9760001High-Sulphur Proteins From a-Keratins I. Heterogeneity of the Proteins From Mouse Hair
Robert C Marshall and JM Gillespie
pp. 1-10
BI9760011High-Sulphur Proteins From a-Keratins ll. Isolation and Partial Characterization of Purified Components From Mouse Hair
Robert C Marshall and JM Gillespie
pp. 11-20
BI9760033Production of Endogenous Acetate by the Liver in Lactating Ewes
N D Costa, GH Mclntosh and AM Snoswell
pp. 33-42
BI9760043The Chemical Composition of Wool XV. The Cell Membrane Complex
DE Peters and JH Bradbury
pp. 43-56
BI9760057Studies on Monotreme Proteins VII. Amino Acid Sequence of Myoglobin From the Platypus, Ornithorhynchus Anatinus
WK Fisher and EOP Thompson
pp. 57-72
BI9760073Haemoglobins of the Shark, Heterodontus Portusjacksoni II. Amino Acid Sequence of the a-Chain
AR Nash, WK Fisher and EOP Thompson
pp. 73-98
BI9760099Insect-Control Chemicals From Plants III. Toxic Lignans From Libocedrus Bidwillii
GB Russell, Pritam Singh and PG Fenemorec
pp. 99-104
BI9760105Solid-Phase Assay for Luteinizing Hormone in Mouse Plasma
AA Gidley-Baird and BM Bindon
pp. 105-116
BI9760137Association of a Bacterium-Like Organism With Rugose Leaf Curl Disease of Clovers
GM Behncken and DH Gowanlock
pp. 137-146
BI9760147Repression, Derepression and Activation of Nitrogenase in Azotobacter Vinelandii
DJD Nicholas and Judy V Deering
pp. 147-162