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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Preliminary Studies on the Mucus Secretion of the Wood Wasp, Sirex Noctilio F. I. Physicochemical and Biochemical Properties

LK Wong and RK Crowden

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 29(2) 21 - 32
Published: 1976


The major component of S. noctilio mucus appears to be a protein-polysaccharide complex with probable molecular weight in the range 60000-100000. In aqueous solution the macromolecule undergoes slow spontaneous disaggregation to yield dialysable subunits of molecular weight 2000-6000 which retain all the physiological activity of the whole mucus. More rapid disaggregation is brought about by treatment of solutions with moderate concentrations of NaC!, KCI or CaCI2 , or by heating. The native mucus contains amylase, esterase, phenoloxidase and proteolytic enzyme activities, and it is suggested that these enzymes may be responsible, at least in part, for the 'natural' disaggregation process.

© CSIRO 1976

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