Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 27 Number 2 1974
SJ Dodgson, WK Fisher and EOP Thompson
pp. 111-116
BI9740117A Water-soluble Arabinogalactan-Peptide From Wheat Endosperm
GB Fincher and BA Stone
pp. 117-132
BI9740137Uptake and Metabolism of Tritiated 17ß-Oestradiol and Oestrone by Rabbit Uterine Tissue in vitro
RG Gabb and GM Stone
pp. 137-146
BI9740197Genetic Influences on Mouse Growth at 23 and 32°C
G Garrard, GA Harrison and JS Weiner
pp. 197-204
BI9740219A Histidine-3 Mutant, in Neurospora crassa, due to an Interchange
DG Catcheside and Teresa Angel
pp. 219-230
BI9740231Mutagenesis by Photoactivation of Chlorpromazine, a Tranquilizer of the Phenothiazine Group
DG MacPhee and F Paula Imray
pp. 231-234