Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 23 Number 2 1970
LT Evans and HM Rawson
pp. 245-254
BI9700265The Effects of the Dipyridyl Diquat on the Metabolism of Chlorella Vulgaris
DM Stokes, JS Turner and KatAlin Markus
pp. 265-274
BI9700275A Suberized Layer in the Cell Walls of the Bundle Sheath of Grasses
TP O'brien and DJ Carr
pp. 275-288
BI9700300Processes in the Infection of Barley Leaves by Rhynchosporium Secalis
pp. 300-308
BI9700323Ionic Relations of Marine Algae II. Griffithsia: Ionic Fluxes
GP Findla, AB Hope and EJ Williams
pp. 323-338
BI9700339Inositol Phosphate Phosphatases of Microbiological Origin. The Isolation of Soil Bacteria Having Inositol Phosphate Phosphatase Activity
DJ Cosgrove, GCJ Irving and SM Bromfield
pp. 339-344
BI9700345An Assessment of Infrared Spectra as Indicators of Fungal Cell Wall Composition
A JMichell and G Sourfield
pp. 345-360
BI9700361The Metabolism of Carbaryl in the Cattle Tick Boophilus Mioroplus (Canestrini)
JR Bend, GM Holder, Eva Protos and AJ Ryan
pp. 361-368
BI9700369Cytogenetical Studies in Wheat III. Studies of a Gene Conditioning Resistance to Stem Rust Strains with Unusual Genes for Avirulence
EP Baker, AK Sanghi, RA Mcintosh and NH Luig
pp. 369-376
BI9700401Effect of Selection for 12-Day Litter Weight on Lactational Performance in Mice
JP Hanrahan and EJ Eisen
pp. 401-410
BI9700479Effect of Abscisic Acid on Growth Correlation in Vitis Vinifera L.
MG Mullins and Daphne J Osborne
pp. 479-484
BI9700485Comparisons of Leaf Water Potential and Xylem Water Potential in tomato Plants
HD Barrs, B Freeman, J Blackwell and RD Ceccato
pp. 485-488
BI9700489Changes in Fine Structure of Root Cells from Maize Seedlings Exposed to Water Stress
I Nir, S Klein and Alexandra Poljakoff-Mayber
pp. 489-492
BI9700493The Simultaneous Transmission of a Plant-Pathogenic Bacterium and a Virus From Rose by Grafting and Mechanical Inoculation
AA Basit, RIB Francki and A Kerr
pp. 493-496
BI9700507Ecological Differences Between Four Australian Isolates of Aphelenchus Avenae Bastian
AAF Evans and JM Fisher
pp. 507-510
BI9700511The Nucleic Acid and Nitrogen Concentration of a Bovine Skeletal Muscle During Emaciation and Repletion
DW Robinson and LJ Lambourne
pp. 511-514