Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 22 Number 4 1969
BI9690797Ion Absorption in Atriplex Leaf Tissue II. Secretion of Ions to Epidermal Bladders
CB Osmond, U Lüttge, KR West, § CK Pallaghy and B Shacher-Hill
pp. 797-814
BI9690815Plant Water Status, Leaf Temperature, and the Calculated Mesophyll Resistance to Carbon Dioxide of Cotton Leaves
JH Troughton and RO Slatyer
pp. 815-828
BI9690847The Action of 2,4-Dinitrophenol on Corn Root Mitochondria
DE Bottrill and JB Hanson
pp. 847-856
BI9690857Cell Division in Oedogonium I. Mitosis, Cytokinesis, and Cell Elongation I. Mitosis, Cytokinesis, and Cell Elongation
JD Prokett-Heaps and LC Fowke
pp. 857-894
BI9690895Heterokaryon Formation and Genetic Recombination Within One Isolate of Thanatephorus Cucumeris
AR Mokenzie, NT Flentje, Helena M Stretton and M Jean Mayo
pp. 895-904
BI9690935Developmental Changes in Tile Late Laitv a of Calliphora Stygia II. Protein Synthesis
Marjory-D Martin, Judith F Kinnear and JA Thomson
pp. 935-946
BI9690979The Survival of Single Blastomeres of Pig Eggs Transferred to Recipient Gilts
NW Moore, C Polge and LEA Rowson
pp. 979-982
BI9691005The Intracellular Accumulation of Metabolites by Ram Spermatozoa During Incubation in the Presence of Exogenous Fructose
RG Wales and EJ Humphries
pp. 1005-1014
BI9691031Protein Associated with Hyaluronic Acid in Ox Synovial Fluid
Panee Silpananta, JR Dunstone and AG Ogston
pp. 1031-1038
BI9691061Effect of. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide on the Mitochondria of Sclerotium Rolfsh
NG Nair, NH White, DM Griffin and Suzanne Blair§
pp. 1061-1064
BI9691069Comparison of the Distribution of Motile and Immotile Spermatozoa in the Ovine Cervix
PE Mattner and AWH Braden
pp. 1069-1070
BI9691071Effeot of Feeding Lupine Seeds on Spermatogenesis in the Rat
RI Tannous and SN Nayfer
pp. 1071-1076
BI9691081Extraction of Reduced Wool Proteins by Solutions of Salts
JA Maclaren and DJ Kilpatrick
pp. 1081-1086