Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 20 Number 6 1967
BI9671043The Physiology of Sugar-Cane. IX.·Factors Affecting Photosynthesis and Sugar Storage
JC Waldron, KT Glasziou and TA Bull
pp. 1043-1052
BI9671053An Anatomical Investigation into the Effects of Gibberellic Acid on the Expansion of Callitriche Shoots
CH Wong and AJ Mccomb
pp. 1053-1062
BI9671063Changes in the Endoplasmic Reticulum of Beetroot Slices During Aging
Margaret E Jackman and RFM Van Steveninck
pp. 1063-1068
BI9671069Salt-Stimulated Adenosine Triphosphatases from Carrot, Beet, and Chara Australis
MR Atkinson and GM Polya
pp. 1069-1086
BI9671119Redistribution of 45ca in Trifolium Subterranevm L. and Antirrhinum Majus L.
CR Millikan and BC Hanger
pp. 1119-1130
BI9671131Factors Affecting Concentrations of Dimethylated Indolealkylamines in Phalaris Tuberosa L.
RM Moore, JD Williams and Joyce Chia
pp. 1131-1140
BI9671149Cuticular Transpiration and Wax Structure and Composition of Leaves and Fruit of Vitis Vinifera
JV Possingham, TC Chambers, F Radler and M Grncarevic
pp. 1149-1154
BI9671169Influence of Nutrients on Lysis of Fungal Hyphae in Soil
M Bumbieris and AB Lloyd
pp. 1169-1172
BI9671173Mutation in Thanatephorus Cucumeris
NT Flentje, Helena M Stretton and AR Mckenzie
pp. 1173-1180
BI9671181Genetic and Cytogenetic Studies of Stem Rust, Leaf Rust, and Powdery Mildew Resistances in Hope and Related Wheat Cultivars
RA Mcintosh, NH Luig and EP Baker
pp. 1181-1192
BI9671193Genetic Heterogeneity Among the Founders of Laboratory Populations of Drosophila Melanogaster I. Mating Behaviour
Sally M W Hosgood and PA Parsons
pp. 1193-1204
BI9671217Natural Immunization in Pregnant Goats Against Red Blood Ells of their Sheep X Goat Hybrid Foetuses
G Alexander, D Williams and L Bailey
pp. 1217-1226
BI9671241Oxalyl-Coenzyme a Synthetase and the Neurotoxin ?-N -Oxalyl-L-?,?-Diaminopropionate
GA RJohnston and Helen J Lloyd
pp. 1241-1244