Physical Environment and Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. V. Effect of Time of Exposure to Unfavourable Root Temperatures
AH Gibson
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
20(6) 1105 - 1118
Published: 1967
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Trifolium subterraneum L., inoculated with three strains of Rhizobium trifolii Dang., was examined over the range of root temperatures 8-28°0. The plants were transferred from an optimal temperature for nitrogen fixation (23°0) to other temperatures at three stages, namely (1) immediately after inoculation, 3 days after germination, (2) 14 days after germ· ination, when nitrogen fixation had commenced, and (3) 21 days after germination, when the plants had been fixing nitrogen for at least 7 days. Nitrogen increase and dry weight accumulation were determined for two growth periods-days 14-21 (I) and days 21-28 (II)
© CSIRO 1967