Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 19 Number 6 1966
BI9661007Effects of the Environment of the Mother Plant on Germination by Control of Seed-Coat Permeabilit to Water in Ononis Sioula Guss.
M Evenari, D Koller and Y Gutterman
pp. 1007-1016
BI9661027The Fine Structure of the Mycorrhizas of Pinus Radiata D. Don
RC Foster and GC Marks
pp. 1027-1038
BI9661039A Second Gene Controlling Allelic Recombination in Neurospora Crassa
DG Catoheside
pp. 1039-1046
BI9661061Sex-Linked and Maternal Effects in the Diallel Cross
EJ Eisen, BB Bohren and HE Mckean
pp. 1061-1072
BI9661101The Metabolism of Tritiated Testosterone by a Wether
WB Osborne, PK Wong and JL Garnett
pp. 1101-1110
BI9661111The Disulphide and Sulphydryl Content of Fractions Prepared by the Ultracentrifugation of Doughs Made from Wheat Flour
CM Mauritzen and PR Stewar
pp. 1111-1124
BI9661125The Inoorporation of [35s]Oysteine into the Proteins of Dough by Disulphide-Sulphydryl Interohange
PR Stew Art and CM Mauritzen
pp. 1125-1138
BI9661139The Preparation of the A and B Chains from Reduced and S-Carboxymethylated Beef Insulin
EOP Thompson and IJ O'donnell
pp. 1139-1152
BI9661167Phosphate Inoorporation by Sterile and Non-Sterile Plant Roots
AD Rovira and GD Bowen
pp. 1167-1170
BI9661175Serum Transferrins of Twin Sheep-Goat Hybrids
DW Cooper, IF Bailey, G Alexander and D Williams
pp. 1175-1178
BI9661179Variation in the Sulphur Content of Wool of Merino Sheep Associated with Genetic Differences in Wool-Producing Capacity
LR Piper and CHS Dolling
pp. 1179-1182