Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 15 Number 1 1962
BI9620001The Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Development of Pea Seeds
RN Robertson, HR Highkin, J Smydzuk and FW Went
pp. 1-15
BI9620083Bioelectric Fields of Bean Roots and their Relation to Salt Accumulation
BIH Scott and DW Martin
pp. 83-100
BI9620126The Uptake and Assimilation of Selenite by Higher Plants
PJ Peterson and GW Butler
pp. 126-146
BI9620147Studies on Phytoalexins IV. the Antimicrobial Spectrum of Pisatin
IAM Cruickshank
pp. 147-159
BI9620183Iodine Content of Pasture Plants II. inheritance of Leaf Iodine Content of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium Perenne L.)
GW Butler and AC Glenday
pp. 183-187
BI9620188Selection for an invariant Character, Vibrissa Number, in the House Mouse III. Correlated Responses
AS Fraser and BM Kindred
pp. 188-206
BI9620213The Effect of Reduced Food intake on the Response to induced Ovulation in Hypophysectomized Mice
E DFielden and PJ Brumby
pp. 213-217