Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 11 Number 3 1958
BI9580329The Relationship of High-Energy Phosphate Content, Protein Synthesis, and the Climacteric Rise in the Respiration of Ripening Avocado and Tomato Fruits
KS Rowan, HK Pratt and RN Robertson
pp. 329-335
BI9580336The Inhibition of Photosynthesis by Oxygen II. The Effect of Oxygen on Glyceraldehyde Phosphate Dehydrogenase From Chloroplasts
JS Turner, JF Turner, KD Shortman and Judith E King
pp. 336-342
BI9580434Studies in Anaphylaxis III. Re-Examination of Scores for Anaphylaxis Using Four Inbred Lines of Mice
PJ Claringbold and WR Sobey
pp. 434-441