Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 8 Number 1 1955
BI9550001The Structure and Swelling Properties of Nitella Chloroplasts
FV Mercer, AJ Hodge, AB Hope and JD Mclean
pp. 1-18
BI9550019Protoplasmic Streaming in Tradescantia I. The Effects of Indoleacetic Acid and Other Growth-Promoting Substances on Streaming
Judith M Kelso and JS Turner
pp. 19-35
BI9550036Correlation Between the Electric Current Generated by a Bean Root Growing in Water and the Rate of Elongation of the Root
BIH Scott AL Mcaulay and Pauline Jeyes
pp. 36-46
BI9550097Keratin Derivatives Extracted From Wool with Alkaline Thioglycollate Solutions
JM Gillespie and FG Lennox
pp. 97-113
BI9550129The Surface Structure of Wool and its Components Revealed by Metal Shadowing
RDB Fraser and GE Rogers
pp. 129-136