Oxidation of Krebs Cycle Acids by Tissue Slices and Cytoplasmic Particles from Apple Fruit
MD Hatch, Judith A Pearson, Adele Millerd and RN Robertson
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
12(2) 167 - 174
Published: 1959
It has previously proved difficult to demonstrate the Krebs cycle in either cytoplasmic particles or tissue slices obtained from apple fruit. In the present investigation, evidence was obtained for the operation of the classical Krebs cycle-cytochrome oxidase respiratory system in cut tissue and mitochondria from Granny Smith apples. The respiration of cut tissue increased when either citrate, a-ketoglutarate, succinate, malate, fumarate, or pyruvate were added. Both the endogenous and acid-stimulated respiration were inhibited by malonate, cyanide, and azide. The rapid oxidation of Krebs cycle acids by cytoplasmic particles from apple flesh was also demonstrated. These particles showed cytochrome oxidase act.ivity and contained a cytochrome c-dependent succinoxidase system.https://doi.org/10.1071/BI9590167
© CSIRO 1959