Physiological and ecological studies on the oestrogenic isoflavones in subterranean clover (T. subterraneum L.). IX.* Effects of sulphur supply
RC Rossiter and NJ Barrow
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
23(3) 411 - 418
Published: 1972
The results of field and glasshouse experiments showed that sulphur deficiency increased isoflavone concentrations in clover leaves. Severe deficiency almost doubled the concentration of total isoflavones (formononetin + genistein f biochanin A). Usually formononetin was affected as much as, or more than, either of the other two isoflavones. Four clover strains—Dwalganup, Geraldton, Daliak, and Yarloop—which differed widely in their isoflavone concentrations did not differ significantly in their proportionate increases in isoflavone concentrations due to severe sulphur deficiency. Practical implications of the results are considered briefly.
*Part VIII, Aust. J. Agric. Res., 21: 593 (1970).
© CSIRO 1972