Australian wheat for the sponge and dough bread making process
T. Lever A D , A. Kelly A , J. De Faveri A , D. Martin A , J. Sheppard A , K. Quail B and D. Miskelly CA DPI&F Plant Science, Toowoomba, Qld 4350, Australia.
B BRI Australia Ltd, North Ryde, NSW 1670, Australia.
C Value Added Wheat CRC Ltd, North Ryde, NSW 1670, Australia.
D Corresponding author. Email:
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56(10) 1049-1057
Submitted: 31 March 2005 Accepted: 29 June 2005 Published: 25 October 2005
This work investigates the suitability of Australian wheats for the sponge and dough bread market, and determines the wheat quality attributes most important for large loaf volume. A group of 30 genotypes was selected for quality testing and baking using a purpose-developed sponge and dough test baking method. Genotypes were grown at 2 sites in Queensland during winter of 2001 and 2002, and then grain from the field trials was tested in the laboratory. The traits measured included grain, flour, and dough quality, along with loaf volume as the main trait of interest. Glutenin alleles and Wx-B1 allele status of the genotypes were also determined. Genetic correlations were calculated between loaf volume and all the quality traits. The quality trait with the strongest relationship to loaf volume was flour swelling volume. Glutenin alleles and Wx-B1 alleles may also be important for sponge and dough bread quality but the data presented here were insufficient to draw strong conclusions. Consistent, large sponge and dough loaf volumes (>850 cm3) were achieved by the Batavia/Pelsart double haploids QT8753, QT10793, and QT10778. The wheat varieties Hartog and Kennedy also performed well. The work demonstrated that Australia can produce wheat suitable for this market.
Additional keywords: wheat quality, loaf volume, gluten, starch, flour swelling volume.
This work was funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation of Australia and the Value Added Wheat Cooperative Research Centre. The authors thank all at the LRC wheat quality laboratory for great technical assistance, Glen Fox for discussions on NIR, Mandy Christopher for providing glutenin and Wx-B1 information, and Phil Banks for critical comment. Also many thanks to Geoffrey Cornish, John Oliver, Helen Allen, Neil Howes, and Ian Batey for sharing knowledge and ideas.
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