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Crop and Pasture Science Crop and Pasture Science Society
Plant sciences, sustainable farming systems and food quality

Low input grasses useful in limiting environments (LIGULE)

W. H. Johnston, C. A. Clifton, I. A. Cole, T. B. Koen, M. L. Mitchell and D. B. Waterhouse

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 50(1) 29 - 54
Published: 1999


This paper presents a case for the selection and development of a wider range of perennial grasses for pastoral use in the higher rainfall (annual rainfall >500 mm) zone of southern Australia, especially the southern sector of the Murray–Darling Basin. There is also a need to reconsider the use of ‘high-input’ pastures on hill lands by developing more appropriate recommendations for managing existing native grass pastures productively.

Past experiments which compared native grass based pastures with sown pastures promoted the view that indigenous grasses were inferior in most respects to exotic improved species. Even though many of the findings were confounded with fertiliser, stocking rate, and other treatment effects, they reinforced the general direction of cultivar development programs which in the temperate zone have been based mainly on the 4 exotic C3 species Phalaris aquatica L., Dactylis glomerata L., Lolium L. spp., and Festuca elatior var. arundinacea (Schreb.) Hackel (syn. Festuca arundinacea Schreb). This has led to an imbalance in the adaptability and range of species available to be sown in pastures, particularly for sowing on less productive landscapes where stony, shallow, infertile, acid soils limit the persistence of current cultivars.

The pre-European vegetation of temperate Australia comprised species with a capacity for active growth and transpiration during summer. The water use pattern resulted in soil moisture being near capacity in late winter and spring, and exhausted by summer’s end. Replacement of this vegetation with annual-growing and summer-dormant C3 species has changed the water use pattern so that soils are drier in spring and wetter in autumn. This has reduced the pre-winter soil moisture deficit, which in turn has increased rates of deep drainage in winter.

Land degradation in southern Australia is a consequence of this changed water use pattern. Deep drainage of water beyond the reach of plant roots has mobilised salts stored in the landscape and caused watertables to rise, which has led to large areas becoming saline. Lack of growth in summer in pastures consisting of senescent annual-growing species and dormant C3 perennial grasses limits utilisation of the products of nitrogen mineralisation, which allows nitrate nitrogen to accumulate in summer and be readily leached by rainfall in autumn. This increases rates of soil acidification. Although there may be scope to reduce deep drainage by increasing pasture growth in spring in areas where there is little likelihood of summer rainfall, this is not the case in south-eastern Australia where significant falls of rain occur during summer and autumn.

© CSIRO 1999

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