Animal Production Science
Volume 49 Number 1 2009
EA08098Estimation of genotype × environment interactions for growth, fatness and reproductive traits in Australian Angus cattle
M. G. Jeyaruban, D. J. Johnston and H.-U. Graser
pp. 1-8
EA08184Composite trait selection to improve reproduction and ewe productivity: a review
G. D. Snowder and N. M. Fogarty
pp. 9-16
EA08088Genetic correlations between early growth and wool production of crossbred ewes and their subsequent reproduction
R. A. Afolayan, N. M. Fogarty, A. R. Gilmour, V. M. Ingham, G. M. Gaunt and L. J. Cummins
pp. 17-23
EA08157Genetic analysis of milk production and composition in crossbred ewes from different maternal genotypes
R. A. Afolayan, N. M. Fogarty, J. E. Morgan, G. M. Gaunt, L. J. Cummins, A. R. Gilmour and S. Nielsen
pp. 24-31
EA08074Genetic parameters for visually assessed traits and their relationships to wool production and liveweight in Australian Merino sheep
S. I. Mortimer, D. L. Robinson, K. D. Atkins, F. D. Brien, A. A. Swan, P. J. Taylor and N. M. Fogarty
pp. 32-42
EA07061Genetic improvement of wool production in Spanish Merino sheep: genetic parameters and simulation of selection strategies
M. Valera, F. Arrebola, M. Juárez and A. Molina
pp. 43-47
EA07179Development of a model based on Bayesian networks to estimate the probability of sheep lice presence at shearing
B. J. Horton, D. L. Evans, P. J. James and N. J. Campbell
pp. 48-55
EA08150Phenotypic and genotypic analysis of a barebreech trait in Merino sheep as a potential replacement for surgical mulesing
N. M. Edwards, M. Hebart and P. I. Hynd
pp. 56-64
EA08014Dietary betaine and ractopamine combine to increase lean tissue deposition in finisher pigs, particularly gilts
F. R. Dunshea, D. J. Cadogan and G. G. Partridge
pp. 65-70
EA08162Influence of wheat hardness and xylanase supplementation on the performance, energy utilisation, digestive tract development and digesta parameters of broiler starters
A. M. Amerah, V. Ravindran and R. G. Lentle
pp. 71-78
EA08122An on-farm evaluation of the capability of saline land for livestock production in southern Australia
D. T. Thomas, C. L. White, J. Hardy, J.-P. Collins, A. Ryder and H. C. Norman
pp. 79-83