Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 42 Number 1 2002
EA00185Effects on milk production of increased dietary crude protein by feeding nitogen-fertilised turnips or lupins to dairy cows in mid-lactation
P. J. Moate, D. E. Dalley, J. R. Roche, C. B. Gow and C. Grainger
pp. 1-6
EA00106Nematophagous fungi in pasture: colonisation of sheep faeces and their potential for control of free-living stages of gastro-intestinal nematode parasites of sheep
F. S. Hay, J. H. Niezen, D. Leathwick and R. A. Skipp
pp. 7-13
EA98171Productivity of pasture legumes and chicory in central New South Wales
D. R. Kemp, D. L. Michalk and M. Goodacre
pp. 15-25
EA01025Germination, emergence, growth, ecotypes and control of Carex appressa R. Br. (tussock sedge)
M. H. Campbell and H. I. Nicol
pp. 27-36
EA01070Prospects for biological control of cutleaf mignonette, Reseda lutea (Resedaceae), by Cercospora resedae and other pathogens
I. Giles, P. T. Bailey, R. Fox, R. Coles and T. J. Wicks
pp. 37-41
EA01054Endoparasitic nematodes in cropping soils of Western Australia
I. T. Riley and S. J. Kelly
pp. 49-56
EA00182Establishment of the peanut bruchid (Caryedon serratus ) in Australia and two new host species, Cassia brewsteri and C. tomentella
D. C. Cunningham and K. B. Walsh
pp. 57-63
EA00154 Growth response of highly tolerant Eucalyptus species to alkaline pH, bicarbonate and low iron supply
S. A. James, D. T. Bell and A. D. Robson
pp. 65-70
EA01032Post-ratoon growth and yield of three hybrid papayas (Carica papaya L.) under mulched and bare-ground conditions
R. J. Elder, D. J. Reid, W. N. B. Macleod and R. L. Gillespie
pp. 71-81
EA00164Starch degradation in 'Kensington' mango fruit following heat treatments
K. K. Jacobi, S. E. Hetherington and E. A. MacRae
pp. 83-92
EA99093Effect of pre-harvest applications of an antitranspirant and vegetable oil on cracking and size of cherry (Prunus avium L.) cv. Van fruit
A. R. Granger and D. R. C. Traeger
pp. 93-96
EA01093Effect of different host plants on the growth of the root hemiparasite Santalum acuminatum (quandong)
Beth R. Loveys, Stephen D. Tyerman and Brian R. Loveys
pp. 97-102