Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 1 Number 3 1961
EA9610126A compact instrument for measuring the total salinity of water on pastoral properties.
GFH Box and BW Wilson
pp. 126-129
EA9610150Root weight profiles of eight species of Trifolium grown in swards.
AW Humphries and ET Bailey
pp. 150-152
EA9610153Effect of shading during growth on the soluble sugar contents of short rotation ryegrass.
JF Melvin and MA Sutherland
pp. 153-155
EA9610156A comparison of the fertility of stored and fresh sheep semen.
EM Roberts and PM Houlahan
pp. 156-158
EA9610159 Properties of roughage feedstuffs collected from oesophageal fistulas.
WR McManus
pp. 159-163