Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 3 Number 8 1963
EA9630009 Nodule bacteria for two species of serradella – Ornithopus sativus and Orithopus compressus
CA Parker and AE Oakley
pp. 9-10
EA9630011Root growth of subterranean clover on some acid sandy soils in Victoria
JK Kehoe and B Curnow
pp. 11-16
EA9630020The residual effect of molybdenum fertilizer on improved pastures on a prairie-like soil in sub-tropical Queensland
Mannetje L 't, NH Shaw and TW Elich
pp. 20-25
EA9630039The effect of insecticide treatment on the yield and botanical composition of sown pastures in Western Australia
MMH Wallace and JA Mahon
pp. 39-50
EA9630072A comparison of two methods of artifical breeding in sheep
S Salamon and AJ Morrant
pp. 72-77
EA9630078A preliminary report on regulation of oestrus and fertility in cyclic ewes by an oral administration of 6-methyl-17-acetoxyprogesterone
EM Roberts, BM Bindon and PM Houlahan
pp. 78-80